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Mexican Ballad

By: Drew Yowell
Beautiful pop-Rock track with a Spanish flare. Features delicate guitar and string accompaniment.

By: Drew Yowell

USA Artist Drew Yowell is a producer and songwriter who has worked with legends like Phoebe Snow, with whom he co-wrote two songs and the title track to her 2003 release "Natural Wonder." He has also worked with David Lasley, Desmond Child, David Benoit, Dave Bennett, and Herb Alpert; and he played guitar for Sophie B. Hawkins, Kristin Hoffmann, and many others. Drew was a top 20 Finalist in the 2007 American Idol Songwriter Contest for his song titled "Secrets and Lies," co-written with fellow artist Byron Zanos. His genres include Adult Contemporary, Country, Pop, and Folk.
Duration: 7:02    Tempo: Med Fast    BPM: 130    Vocal Type: Instrumental

Genre: Rock Music

Subgenre: Pop Rock

Catalog ID: 485550
Keywords: Folk, Adult Contemporary, Beautiful, Melancholy, Powerful, Sad, Solemn, Acoustic Guitar, Synths, Strings Instrumental

Description: Mexican Ballad, Rock Music, Pop Rock, Music for shops, restaurants, lounges, stores, chains, hotels, airlines, on-hold phone systems, and more.

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