Registration Benefits
Register online now to enjoy an immediate 14-Day Free Trial, as well as other benefits as explained below.
Get Connected...
Please take a moment to register now and you can play the music for a 14-day Free Trial period or to start a commercial subscription so you have immediate access to these advanced features:
Custom Stations - Build music playlists to hear the music you want to hear.
■ Custom Schedules - Mix different stations together and schedule station changes.
■ Custom Ads - Upload MP3 audio ads or messages to play in your music stream.
■ Subscription - After your free trial ends, you can start a paid subscription if desired.
■ Pricing - Click "SERVICE" on the top menu to see our low-cost pricing plans for both in-store and personal subscriptions.
■ Custom Schedules - Mix different stations together and schedule station changes.
■ Custom Ads - Upload MP3 audio ads or messages to play in your music stream.
■ Subscription - After your free trial ends, you can start a paid subscription if desired.
■ Pricing - Click "SERVICE" on the top menu to see our low-cost pricing plans for both in-store and personal subscriptions.
14-Day Free Trial
Try for 14 days and see what our music can do for your business.
No commitment, cancel online at any time.
Try for 14 days and see what our music can do for your business.
No commitment, cancel online at any time.