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Tuning Up Your Abundance Vibration Synth Rhythms

By: Rob Satori
Simple, soft, and rich with harmonies will create great underpinnings for meditations and talks by Abraham Hicks or other Youtube favorites. This was used in the Satori Video that received 40k views in just 2 weeks.

By: Rob Satori

Rob Satori creates film and television music from his studio in Sarasota, Florida. He credits Hans Zimmer, James Newton Howard, Bernard Herman, Danny Elfman, and Thomas Newman as his influences. An accomplished and gifted Composer, Vocalist, and Pianist, he started his musical journey at seven. Deepak Chopra once said of Rob Satori's music, "... evokes a flood of emotions that soothe, stimulate, and balance the physiology all at the same time," and Wayne Dyer said, "Listen and luxuriate in these beautiful melodies."
Duration: 12:38    Tempo: Very Slow    BPM: 50    Vocal Type: Instrumental

Genre: New Age Music

Subgenre: Meditation

Catalog ID: 1159810
Keywords: warm slow moving beautiful subdued tonal pretty

Description: Tuning Up Your Abundance Vibration Synth Rhythms, New Age Music, Meditation, Music for shops, restaurants, lounges, stores, chains, hotels, airlines, on-hold phone systems, and more.

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