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Night of Thousand Voices #1

By: Manuka Dreams
The music of this series creates a gentle and soft acoustic sound scape and provides a comforting, relaxing environment. It contains warm sound collages and repeating melody patterns with Slow moving chords changes of warm syntheziser sounds. Very smooth and serene atmosphere.

By: Manuka Dreams

Welcome to the world of Manuka Dreams. Let yourself be allured in a world of digital synthesizer sounds and calming arrangements and enjoy the atmosphere of repose and relaxation. Derive strength from the sound collages' profundity and endlessness and slip into soft sound worlds. Elegant tranquility, floating among twinkling stars, meditating in grassy fields, ambient fantasies, deepwater scenes, and peaceful galaxy explorations. With 50+ exquisite 20-to-40 minute tracks online, each gentle, soft acoustic soundscape is superb for meditation, relaxation, and dreamy therapy.
Duration: 19:58    Tempo: No Tempo    Vocal Type: Instrumental

Genre: New Age Music

Subgenre: Atmospheres

Catalog ID: 1244667
Keywords: acoustic ambient atmosphere atmospheric beautiful melody patterns comfort comfortable comforting dawn dream dreaming dreams dreamy elegance elegant music Background music Credits galaxy travel medical discovery Sci Fi futuristic travel peaceful planets science soundscape sound scape

Description: Night of Thousand Voices #1, New Age Music, Atmospheres, Music for shops, restaurants, lounges, stores, chains, hotels, airlines, on-hold phone systems, and more.

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